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Liberdade's dream

Liberdade is a online electronic book store with the single goal of bringing electronic books to everyone in the world.

With the relentless compatibility battles between the many formats of electronic books the victims are always the same, people. If you don't have the right tablet or iPad from the big companies you can't read the electronic book.


Liberdade arrives to change all that. Here we sell the same book in 4 different formats!

The format for those who has Kindle devices from Amazon (ePub or MOBI), the Apple format that only people who has an iPad can read (iBook) and for last but not least, the format that anyone can read anywhere, whether on a tablet or a computer, the PDF.


The iBook format is exclusive to the iPad 2 and iPad 3 from Apple. This is the only format that supports audio and visual content such as movies, sounds, interactive images, interactive widgets, keynote documents, and so on.

The other formats, ePub, MOBI and PDF can contain only text, images and links.

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